mimeDominoDocument is an XPages component that acts like a normal xp:dominoDocument data source but does transparent serialization/deserialization of "MIMEBean" data (http://xmage.gbs.com/blog.nsf/d6plinks/TTRY-8NKTPN) via getValue(...) and setValue(...). This means that stored Java objects can be accessed directly via EL. For example, if a field in a document contains a List of Map objects representing line items in an order, the third line item's name could be accessed like:


<xp:text value="#{doc.LineItems[2].name}"/>


See <a href="http://frostillic.us/f.nsf/posts/an-extended-document-data-source-to-support-mimebeans">http://frostillic.us/f.nsf/posts/an-extended-document-data-source-to-support-mimebeans</a>&nbsp;for a bit more of an explanation and <a href="http://frostillic.us/tests/mime.nsf">http://frostillic.us/tests/mime.nsf</a> for an in-practice&nbsp;example.</div>


To use the component in an XPages application, add the provided frostillicus.MimeDominoDocument&nbsp;class to the build path (via the &quot;Java&quot; design element or another Java source folder) and&nbsp;add the file &quot;mimeDominoDocument.xsp-config&quot; to the WebContent/WEB-INF folder via Package&nbsp;Explorer, next to the &quot;faces-config.xml&quot; file.

On the source pane of the XPage, add xmlns:fr=&quot;http://frostillic.us/xsp/control&quot; to the &lt;xp:view&gt;&nbsp;tag at the beginning and then add a data source element named &lt;fr:mimeDominoDocument/&gt; with the&nbsp;same parameters as a normal &lt;xp:dominoDocument/&gt;. See <a href="http://frostillic.us/tests/mime.nsf/HomeXSP.xsp">http://frostillic.us/tests/mime.nsf/HomeXSP.xsp</a>&nbsp;for an example.</div>