The XPages RDBMS Enablement project contains sample materials to demonstrate the capabilities of the XPages Relational feature that is part of the XPages Extension Library (ExtLib). It is comprised of an XPages application and a OSGi plugin which acts as a wrapper for Apache Derby.
The sample application was formerly provided as part of the XPages Extension Library itself, but has been removed from ExtLib, and now exists only in this project. The sample OSGi plugin was formerly part of the Experimental XPages Extension Library (ExtLibX), but has been removed from ExtLibX, and now exists only in this project.
Important Note: this project is only compatible with an IBM Domino v9.0.1 server to which release 9.0.1.v00_07 (or later) of the 9.0.1 XPages Extension Library has been installed. If your server has an earlier release of ExtLib installed, then you must upgrade to release 9.0.1.v00_07 at a minimum. This is because the XPages Relational feature migrated into the core ExtLib in the 9.0.1.v00_07 release, and other materials also needed to be relocated as part of that migration.