The Web Analytics custom control makes it easy to add the following web analytics providers to your XPages web site:</div>
  • Google Analytics
  • Woopra

Created by Per Henrik Lausten, June 2011.



The Web Analytics custom control makes it easy to add the following web analytics providers to your XPages web site:

* Google Analytics

* Woopra



Drag the WebAnalytics custom control to your XPage and fill in (or compute) the custom properties.


To use Google Analytics:

Fill in your Google Analytics details in the googleAnalytics property group. Select true for the &quot;show&quot; property to use Google Analytics and fill in your Google Analytics account id.


To use Woopra Web Analytics:

Fill in your Woopra Web Analytics details in the woopra property group. Select true for the &quot;show&quot; property to use Woopra Web Analytics and optionally fill in timeout in minutes and your domain.