Over the weekend we announced two new open badges available for those who run user groups, There is one that's generic for OpenNTF and one that's for OpenCode4Connections. If you run a user group and would like either or both of these badges, please contact Paul Withers (you've almost certainly got one social media access route!).

We're aware there have been issues recently posting discussions, defect and feature requests via the website and for a bit longer replying to any of these. Some work has been done over recent days that should have resolved all those issues now. The refactoring has been part of more significant streamlining in the design, particularly around registration, password management and account maangement. In time this will be extended further into capturing last login. As ever with a site as long-running as OpenNTF, there are a large number of old and possibly redundant accounts but currently no way to identify them. This work will eventually allow us to manage the infrastructure better. No significant changes will be occurring in the short term and we will keep you apprised.

For the same reason we will soon be reaching out to contributors to try to identify current active projects. There will be a number of projects where the main project Chef no longer works with IBM technologies, where the project has been abandoned or superseded. This will allow us to keep the list of main projects fresher as we go forward. This may mean we reach out for people to take over projects, if they wish them to remain active, but rest assured nothing will be removed without notice.

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