On March 30th and 31st the IBM XPages team are hosting a workshop at IBM Dublin to deconstruct the XGallery demo from the IBM Connect 2016 Opening General Session. In case you need a refresher, you can see a video of it on this blog post from Luis Benitez. The application combined XPages on Bluemix, the Files service from IBM Connections Cloud and IBM Watson Analytics (the Visual Recognition service).

This is a unique opportunity to hear from the people who developed the demo and get hands-on experience, to give you the skills to build it yourself. Christian Guedemann will also talk about OpenNTF and how to get involved. There will also be a social event on the evening of 30th March.

The event is free, but attendees are responsible for their own hotel and travel. You can find more information and an agenda on the Slideshare slides below. You can register at http://ibm.biz/cognitive-domino, but places are limited and currently open only to Business Partners. If you have any questions, please contact Alan Hamilton - contact details are in the slid deck.

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