There are now two weeks left until nominations close for the OpenNTF Board elections.

There are 4 member director posts and 3 contributor posts up for election. Anyone who is registered a contributor (so has signed an ICLA prior to the elections) can nominate themselves for the contributor posts. Anyone who works for a member company and is registered on their company's CCLA can nominate themselves for member posts. Again, companies can still register by filling out the Membership Agreement prior to the elections.

The board have a bi-weekly teleconference, for which there needs to be a quorum of the board. In between, the board are in regular communication. There may be additional initiatives during the year which may need to be led by board members, but on the whole the workload is far from onerous.

This year, Corey Davis has informed the board that he will not be standing for re-election, so the position of treasurer on the board will also need filling. If you are keen to take on this role (and Corey has kindly agreed to ensure a smooth handover), please mention that in your nomination.

The other board members would like to thank Corey for his work during his terms on the board and wish him well in the future.

If you are interested in running as an OpenNTF Board member, please send me an email ( along with a "Candidate Statement" which will be sent to the voters.

The timeline is:
Nominations close September 18th
Circulation of Candidate Statements from September 18-25
Voting from September 28 to Oct 2

Winners take office on October 13.

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