Note: we've rearranged the schedule for this month and next, and now the second webinar for July will be a Developer Variety Hour, while the Administrator Best Practices webinar will take place in August.

Webinar 2: Developer Variety Hour

Our second webinar for the month will be a "Developer Variety Hour", where Jesse Gallagher will discuss various developer open-source projects from OpenNTF and elsewhere, such as Domino JNX, an example Domino addin using Rust, the XPages JEE project, and others.

Jesse is a board member at OpenNTF and traditionally runs OpenNTF's cozy developer-focused webinars in the dog days of northern-hemisphere summer.

This webinar will take place on July 18 from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

To register for this webinar, go to

You can also access information about and recordings of all of our webinars at

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