Managing SSL certificates in Domino was always a challenge. The certificates had to be created using OpenSSL and then imported into a key ring file using the kyrtool. Both tools were command line based.

Now in V12, HCL has introduced the Certificate Manager. This will greatly simplify the the process of using certificates in Domino. And there are other security enhancements that will be covered in the webinar.

Daniel Nashed, an HCL Lifetime Ambassador, will walk us through the setup and use of the new Domino V12 Certificate Manager. This webinar is a must for any Domino admins (and developers too!)

This webinar will take place on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM. There will be time for questions at the end.

To register for this webinar, go to

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