We are pleased to announce the new OpenNTF board. We have three Member Directors who still have one year on their tenure:
- Dan Dumont
- Oliver Busse
- Graham Acres

Paul Withers has decided to step down from his position a year early. Paul has given 11 years to the community as a member of the OpenNTF Board in addition to numerous other contributions, both in code and his time, and we would like to thank him on behalf of the entire community for his work.

Keith Brooks has stepped into the position left vacant by Paul, and will serve this coming year as a Member Director.

The following Member Directors have been elected to a two-year tenure starting this year:
- Jesse Gallagher
- Serdar Basegmez
- Heiko Voigt
- Kim Greene
- Doug Robinson

The following Contributor Directors have been elected for a year:
- Roberto Boccadoro
- Chris Bekas
- David Hablewitz

The new board will take up their positions for the first board meeting on October 9th, when we will elect the Chair Person, Treasurer and Secretary positions for the coming year.

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