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This page contains two types of videos: 1. Videos that show how to use XPages to build great web and mobile applications and 2. videos that describe OpenNTF projects.
The videos with their previews are sorted chronologically by creation date. Additionally they have been categorized by required skill level. All videos are free but may contain some advertisment.
Do you have an XPages video? Learn how to submit a link to your video.
XPages Jumpstart Videos
For new XPages developers the following videos are good jumpstarts.
NotesIn9: Introduction to XPages
NotesIn9: Beyond the Introduction
GBS XSeries: Intro to XPages development for Domino developers
GBS/TLCC: Learning XPages Tutorial
GROUP Talk: Intro to Java for Domino Developers
NotesIn9: Introduction to Java for XPages Developers
Learning Videos and OpenNTF Project Demonstrations
Free Learning Videos
NotesIn9: 048 Applying Themes to Form Tables
GROUP Talk: Intro to Java for Domino Developers
GBS XSeries: Intro to XPages development for Domino developers
NotesIn9: 046 Building Forms with XPages and Extension Library
NotesIn9: 045 XPages: Tracking File Downloads
NotesIn9: 043 Domino Designer Tips and Tweaks
NotesIn9: 042 XPages and Application Layout Control
Lotusphere2012: Jump Start 101
NotesIn9: 038 XPages and iOS Trick
NotesIn9: 037 Speeding Up XPages
NotesIn9: 036 IBM XWork Server
NotesIn9: 034 XPages - F4 is your Friend
NotesIn9: 033 Introduction to Remote Services
NotesIn9: 032 Testing XPages
NotesIn9: 030 Formatting Numbers in XPages
GBS/TLCC: Learning XPages Tutorial
NotesIn9: 025 Selecting Documents from a Repeat Control
NotesIn9: 023 The Great XPages Race
NotesIn9EE: 006 Beyond the Introduction
NotesIn9: 011 SpeedGeeking
NotesIn9EE: 005 XPages CMS App Walkthrough
NotesIn9: 001 Introduction to XPages
NotesIn9: 014 Repeats Repeated
NotesIn9: 013 XPages and HTML
How to create a simple XPages application step by step
NotesIn9: 007 A license to TypeAhead
NotesIn9: 009 Viewer Questions on XPages
NotesIn9: 002 Busting the Rip and Replace Myth
NotesIn9: 001 Repeat Controls
Typical Developers:
NotesIn9: 047 Intro to XPages and Relational Data
NotesIn9: 044 Using Source Control Part 2
NotesIn9: 041 XPages Designer & SOURCE CONTROL
NotesIn9: 040 Automated XPages Testing
NotesIn9: 039 Creating a PDF from XPages Part 2
NotesIn9EE: 012 Creating PDF’s from XPages
NotesIn9EE: 011 XPages SplitScreen – View and Document
NotesIn9: 031 Styling NamePicker with oneUI
NotesIn9: 026 Collapsing and Expanding Views in XPages
NotesIn9: 029 Combine URL Parameters with Excel Exporting
NotesIn9EE: 009 Using Java HashMaps and TreeMaps with XPages
NotesIn9: 028 XPages and CGI Variables
NotesIn9EE: 007 XPages and Mobile Controls
NotesIn9: 021 Combine Client and Server Side Code
NotesIn9: 006 A Blueprint to XPages
WorkFlowStudios: Generate Excel Output
NotesIn9: 019 Getting Column Totals From a View
Use a Notes Live Text widget to launch an authenticated XPage
XPages101: Lesson 22 - Custom Properties
NotesIn9: 018 Data Relationships
NotesIn9: 017 Control Rendering in XPages
NotesIn9: 020 Adding Woopra Analytics to XPages Apps
Using the XPages Repeat Control
NotesIn9: 003 Intro to Searching
NotesIn9: 004 Intro to Scoped Variables
Experienced Developers:
NotesIn9EE: 009 Using Java HashMap and TreeMap in Xpages
OpenNTF: How to write, deploy and debug servlets
NotesIn9: 024 Fancy Type Ahead in XPages
OpenNTF: Debug Java code in NSFs using the Eclipse debugger
NotesIn9: Introduction to Java for XPages Developers Part 3
NotesIn9: Introduction to Java for XPages Developers Part 2
NotesIn9EE: 008 One Man's Journey
NotesIn9: Introduction to Java for XPages Developers Part 1
OpenNTF: Utilize the HTML manifest file and SQL storage for offline
OpenNTF Videos
OpenNTF: Second OpenNTF XPages Development Contest
OpenNTF: XSnippets Announcement
XPages Help Application
OpenNTF: Controls submitted for the first development contest
OpenNTF: Nifty Fifteen XPages Applications from OpenNTF
OpenNTF: Projects Overview May 2010
OpenNTF: Projects Overview Feb 2010 - Part 2
OpenNTF: Projects Overview Feb 2010 - Part 1
Typical Developers:
XSeries: Mobilize Your XPages Applications with the IBM Upgrade Pack
OpenNTF: JDBC Access to IBM Lotus Domino
File Upload XPage Forms via Extension Library Dialogs
XSeries: XPages Goes Relational! [1 of 6]
OpenNTF: XPages Social Enabler to build easily social application
OpenNTF: The next generation of XPages Mobile Controls
NotesIn9: 035 ViewPicker 3.0
NotesIn9: 027 The View Picker Custom Control
OpenNTF: Mobile Controls - Build your first app in 5 minutes
OpenNTF: Information Retrieval Tool
OpenNTF: Mobile Controls - XCamera
OpenNTF: Extension Library Application Layout
OpenNTF: Extension Library Overview
OpenNTF: Mobile Documents
OpenNTF: OneUI Framework
Experienced Developers:
OpenNTF: OSGi Tasklet Service for IBM Lotus Domino
OpenNTF: Setup Eclipse IDE for XPages Development
OpenNTF: Relational Database Support in XPages
OpenNTF: REST Services in IBM Lotus Domino and XPages
OpenNTF: XPages for Connections
OpenNTF: Extension Library Dojo Grid Control
OpenNTF: Extension Library Value Picker Controls
OpenNTF: Extension Library In Context Editing
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